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Think Forward



ThinkForward is a charity providing unique, personalised coaching and employability programmes for young people at a key stage in their lives. 

Their FutureMe programme works in secondary schools and coach Mark is based here at New Line Learning Academy. Pupils are chosen to join the FutureMe programme and start working with Mark at the start of Year 9. Through coaching he supports them to identify and find solutions to their challenges, and gain the confidence, independence and skills they need for the world of work and adult life. There is a big focus on helping young people figure out what they want to do when they leave school, and how to achieve their goals. 

Young people on the FutureMe programme experience a range of trips and activities to learn more about different jobs, meet inspiring people who share career advice, and spend time with a mentor. ThinkForward partners with lots of local and national businesses who provide these fantastic opportunities in person and online. Pupils also get support with practical things like writing a CV, getting work experience, filling in job or college applications and practising for interviews. 

FutureMe works with young people until the end of Year 13. ThinkForward are proud that more than 80% of them are in employment and/or education at the end of the five years.   Every coach has small numbers of pupils, 50 in every school, so young people really get to know and trust their coach. In total there are about 800 young people on the FutureMe programme in Kent, London and Nottingham. 

Website – www.thinkforward.org.uk 
Twitter – @ThinkForwardUK 
LinkedIn – thinkforward-uk 
TikTok  – @ThinkForwardUK. 
Instagram – thinkforwarduk