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New Line Learning Academy

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Admissions for 2024/25

Applications for children due to start secondary school in September 2025 will open on 1st September 2024 and will close on 31st October 2024.

Year 7 Applications

For admissions into next year’s Year 7, parents and carers are required to complete an application form known as the “Common Application Form” (CAF) through Kent County Council.  This can be found by clicking here for the Kent County Council ‘Applying for a School’ web page,

Year 7 Admissions Key Dates – September 2024 Intake

1st September 2024 Admission window opens for Year 7 applications for 2025 intake
31st October 2024 Admission window closes for Year 7 applications for 2025 intake
1st March 2025 National Offer Day
3rd March 2025 We will send out welcome letters to the families of our new Year 7 students.
16th March 2025 Deadline by which to accept/decline the place that has been offered by KCC.
21st April 2025 Reallocation offer day – at this time, some additional offers may be made, if other families have declined their place at the school.
June/July 2025 Transition events for our new pupils. 

Admission Arrangements

New Line Learning Admission Arrangements – September 2024/25

New Line Learning Admission Arrangements – September 2025/26

In-Year Admission

If you are looking for a place at the Academy because you have recently moved into the area, or your child is at another secondary school and you feel that a change of school would benefit their education and/or general well being, you are entitled to apply for a school place.    Please contact the Academy Admissions Officer to request an In-Year Admissions Form or download a copy at the bottom of the page.  This form must be completed and returned to the Academy Admissions Officer.  

In Year Admission Form

Note: there is no guarantee that a place will be available but you have the right to appeal if you are declined a place.

More details can be found on KCC’s website  – www.kent.gov.uk.

Appeals process

Please find below the appeals timetable if admission is refused to the academy

Type of appeal Deadline for hearing appeal
Applications made in the normal admissions round Within 40 school days of the deadline for lodging appeals
Late applications Within 40 school days of the deadline for lodging appeals, or within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged
Applications to sixth forms where the offer of a place was conditional upon exam results Within 30 school days of confirmation of those results
Applications to sixth forms where the offer of a place was not conditional upon exam results Within 40 school days of the deadline for lodging appeals
Applications for in-year admissions Within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged