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New Line Learning Academy

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Next Steps @ NLL

The provision of careers guidance and support at New Line Learning Academy seeks to deliver on the 2018 Department for Education Careers Strategy. We want:

  • All pupils to understand the full range of opportunities available to them, to learn from employers about work and the skills that are valued in the workplace and to have first-hand experience of the workplace;
  • All pupils to get an excellent programme of advice and guidance that is delivered by individuals with the right skills and experience;
  • All pupils to get support tailored to their circumstances. With access to face-to-face advice.
  • All pupils to get the information they need to understand the job and career opportunities available, and how their knowledge and skills can help them in considering suitable careers.

For further information on our careers programme:

Contact our Careers Leader: Mr. Kemp

Email: akemp@newlinelearning.com

Careers Policy and Provider Access Statement 


At Key stage 3 pupils will access careers fairs and PSHEE will incorporate careers information.

Further support is provided to Year 9 pupils, who will choose their GCSE options in this year. Support is provided through meetings with the academy leadership team building up the options evening and through some one-to-one support from Mr Kemp. 

Pupils also access a careers fair where local, aspirational employers will present to all key stage 3 about the range of jobs available after education.

In line with the Gatsby Benchmarks, which set out best practice for schools, we are looking to develop more workplace encounters for pupils across KS3, particularly in STEM subjects

In year 9 some pupils will be selected to work with Think Forward to encourage them to develop the skills required for the workplace and to reduce pupils that end up ‘Not in education or Training’. (NEET)

Year 10

Support will be provided for Year 10 pupils choosing their next steps, through an initial Assembly in the Summer Term and then small group interviews held in school with Mr Kemp; these sessions will continue into Year 11.

Pupils will also have the opportunity to complete a work experience placement during the summer term, which is arranged by Mr Kemp.

Also, curriculum areas will be seeking to develop links between pupils’ studies and the world of work as we continue to develop our provision. Pupils can also make use of the careers resources in the Careers area.

Selected pupils will attend external careers fairs. Those pupils will selected to work with Think Forward to encourage them to develop the skills required for the workplace and to reduce pupils that end up ‘Not in education or Training’. (NEET) will continue to work with Coach Mark on a group and one-to-one basis.

Year 11

Each Year 11 pupil will be seen by Mr Kemp in a group interview for “Careers Guidance” before Christmas, following this, those pupils who need a little more help will be seen for a one to one interview. Part of the meeting will include information on when they need to make applications through the Area Prospectus : www.kentchoices4u.com.

Those pupils will selected to work with Think Forward to encourage them to develop the skills required for the workplace and to reduce pupils that end up ‘Not in education or Training’. (NEET) will continue to work with Coach Mark on a group and one-to-one basis.

If you feel your son or daughter will need a one to one interview, please let their form tutor or Mr Kemp know as soon as possible.

Pupils can also make use of the careers resources in the careers area. 

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