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New Line Learning Academy

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The vast majority of students in the school make the correct choices almost all of the time and it is important that they are consistently rewarded for their positive efforts. 

The House system consists of six houses, Attenborough Turing, Farah, Hepworth, Sharman and Woolf. On admission to the school, students are placed in one of the house groups, enabling them to participate in competitive experiences in a safe and secure environment. 

It is expected that during every lesson; staff reward members of their class, when possible, with one of the five house points.  

All achievements are recorded by the class teacher on SIMS and monitored by the Pastoral Team.   

All house points count towards the individual student record as well as house totals. 

What rewards can students receive at New Line Learning?

Rewards How students qualify What are students issued? When is the reward issued?
'Believe and Achieve' Student of the Week  Awarded to KS3 and KS4 students selected by their Head of Year  Certificate and voucher for a free cake/cookie from the canteen Year group assemblies
Believe and Achieve card  By being issued a ‘Believe and Achieve’ card from a member of staff. Students must hand into reception.  A chance to win an Amazon voucher within your year group In year group assemblies
House points  H1, H2, H3, H4, H5 When good work is produced a member of staff can issue a pupil with an H1-H5 Lessons

Attendance points H3, H5 Students can earn 3 house points for every week where they have 95% attendance, and 5 house points for a week of 100% attendance Tutor time
Achievement Awards Issued at intervals of 100 house points  Certificate and Amazon voucher 
Year Group assemblies
House competitions HP1, HP2, HP3, HP4, HP5 House points are issued to the relevant house for successful completion of house competitions House assemblies
Term 2/4/6 Whole school rewards Subject award winners, Achieve award for most progress, SSM awards Certificate, seasonal prize, amazon vouchers Whole School assemblies
Attendance All pupils who maintain a 20-day full streak of attendance during our specified weeks will receive a prize at break time. 
Attendance All pupils who achieve 95% attendance in a term will be entered into our prize draw, with choices of AirPods, vouchers and smart watches up for grabs. This resets each term. 
Attendance Year 10 and 11 pupils will receive VIP weeks, where they are rewarded for a two-week streak of attendance with daily VIP privileges.