Pupils are expected to wear full, correct school uniform for reasons of health and safety, supporting positive behaviour and promoting a strong school identity.
Unisex New Line Learning jumper with grey trim neckline
Supplied by www.monkhouse.com
Unisex New Line Learning house tie (Farah, Turing, Sharman, Attenborough, Woolf & Hepworth)
Supplied by www.monkhouse.com
White formal shirt buttoned to neck, to be worn with a house tie (short sleeve or long sleeve) tucked in
Available from Monkhouse or a shop of your choice
Black classic styled school trousers, no skinny or embellished styles permitted; leggings, jean style or tightly fitting trousers are not permitted
Available from Monkhouse or a shop of your choice
Black pleated skirt with elasticated waist
Available from Monkhouse or a shop of your choice
Black socks or black/opaque tights
Available from Monkhouse or a shop of your choice
Year Group Badge
To support the efficient identification of students and to promote a sense of unity within each year group, all students are required to wear their year group badge on the left lapel of their blazer. This badge must be worn prominently and visibly at all times, ensuring it is easily identifiable. It should not be altered, removed, or replaced with any other pins, badges, or accessories. Wearing the year group badge correctly is an important aspect of our uniform policy, as it not only helps to identify students but also contributes to maintaining the school’s professional appearance. Students are expected to ensure the badge is securely fastened and positioned in the correct place on the blazer at all times. Any damage to or loss of the badge should be reported promptly so that it can be replaced.
Black closed toe formal shoes (or formal waterproof boots in the winter) for use throughout the school Trainers or sports/leisure footwear of any colour are not acceptable. Socks should be black and worn underneath trouser legs. Trousers must be worn over the top of shoes and not tucked into socks or boots. Boots must be worn under trouser legs
Available from a shop of your choice
PE Kit
Green Joma unisex PE t-shirt with logo or green Joma unisex long sleeved top with logo
A plain dark coat/anorak/jacket suitable for wet weather is preferable – coats and other items of outdoor clothing are not worn inside the academy building
Available from Monkhouse or a shop of your choice
One small pair of studs or sleepers, one worn in each ear is permissible. Jewellery worn in any other piercing (e.g. eye-brow, nose, lip, tongue etc) is NOT permitted Additional items of jewellery, with the exception of a watch should not be worn. E.g. necklaces/chains, bracelets, rings etc.
Make up if worn, should be of a subtle nature. No false eyelashes are allowed. Nail varnish – or acrylic nails must not be worn. Sensible, neat haircut, and should be of natural colour. Extreme hair styles (anything below a number 2) or extreme colours are not permitted
Additional Equipment
In addition to uniform, pupils will need the following equipment as a minimum:
Pupil 360
A rucksack that is big enough to fit an A4 file
A pencil case including 2 black pens, 2 green pens, 2 pencils ruler, rubber, sharpener, protractor and colouring pencils